2024 Equity and Innovation Grant Application

Fall 2024 Grant Application: Equity & Innovation

"*" indicates required fields

Part 1

Please read the Fall 2024 Grants Requirements & Guidance prior to completing this application.
Co-Applicants (if applicable)
Click the PLUS (+) to add more rows.
Did you receive a Fall 2023 Teacher grant?*
If yes, did you fill out a final report?*
If NO, this is a requirement for the application and you can find the final report form on the Grants page of the FPPS website.
Grade Levels*
Check all that apply
Please enter a number from 1 to 1000.
Alignment with Portland Strategic Plan Priorities:*
Check all that apply.

Part 2 - Proposal Description

Part 3 - Budget (Award Limit: $1,250)

Important: ALL fields must be filled in for the application to be considered complete. Proposal Expenses must equal amount requested.
Expenses - Please describe each anticipated cost and, when appropriate, provide actual product descriptions or cost information. Describe the expenses as specifically as possible (i.e. - clay and paint rather than “supplies”) Please ensure that your list of expenses totals to the amount of revenue requested above.
Description of Expenses
Click the PLUS (+) to add more rows.
Will you accept partial funding?*

Part 4 - Signatures

I have read and hereby acknowledge and agree to abide by all grant guidelines. Electronic signatures are acceptable. To sign please type your full name.
FPPS requires that your school's principal is aware of, and in support of your grant application. By typing their name in this field you acknowledge that they are aware and supportive of your application.
FPPS requires that any application contemplating the purchase of technology has been reviewed by the PPS Information Technology Department. Your signature here ensures that the School Principal has gained approval for any technology purchase.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.